Usage policy

Welcome to the "fansliga Football" website - "," a site established in accordance with the laws of Morocco, building number 60, complex 306.

Please carefully read the terms of use before accessing or using the site.

All materials presented on the "fansliga Football" - "" website, including but not limited to images, graphics, information, news, advertisements, and videos, are protected by copyright, intellectual property rights, trademark rights, and authorship rights belonging to the mentioned site, owned and reserved.

All materials published on the site are intended for personal, non-commercial use. It is not permitted to copy, publish, reproduce, modify, download, store, or distribute these materials by email or any other electronic means. Any unauthorized use or misuse of these materials constitutes a violation of copyright, trademark rights, and other property rights.

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The "fansliga Football" website also pledges to preserve the private data of its users and their privacy.